The dorsal fin of humpback whales is small and about 2/3 back in the postero-caudal direction. It is not made of cartilage, just dense fibroconnective tissue

A pair resting together. Their breathing frequency was very different with the more proximal whale breathing 3-4 times faster then the distal one.
Of course, whales are identified by their fluke patterns but they dorsal fin pattern is also different. The distal whale pattern can be seen on a later image in a different part of the bay near Cuverville Island.
Coming right under the zodiac !
Spouting out
The flukes were hard to catch, unpredictable and far away !
The arching before diving is the reason for the "humpback" name. 
All flukes are different
The tip of the head
Thao caught this "upside-down" swimming whale under the boat...
... and surfacing. 
The blowhole (spout) right next to us: we got sprayed !
The dorsal fin marking seen earlier in the distance
A little "airplane" mark in this dorsal fin !
Coming right to us
... and diving just before us!
Barnacles on the tip of the lower lip
Note the hair on the each tubercle
"Whale louse" actually not an insect of course but a small shrimp-like crab that performs the same function
Whale louse
The spout
Diving in, next to us
Coming for petting
The same "airplane" mark

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