The sister ship from ours

A cartoon whale iceberg !

Still not frozen !! Viva REI !

Many pretty shapes of icebergs

Baby's first step in water !

"Brrrr cold !"

Good balance !

Too full to stand !

The orange soil is krill-colored guano !

Gentoo penguin

"If I peck your down will you peck mine ?"

Watermelon snow caused by a green algae (!!) called Chlamydomonas nivalis

Nice erosion pattern !

Rock fall that absorbs light and melt the snow around... and keep sliding down

Thao giving directions !

Another hard photography goal is to get penguins jumping out of water. Looks easy in the movies but very hard to predict where they come out and thus to focus. Their flying out of the water is a 1-2 seconds at most.

In and out !


Rik a very nice guy and a great photographer ! Full of energy, constantly on deck and climbing every hill !

A Leopard seal

The red marks are not the blood from his lunch, just poop !

Almost flying !