Brutally early (5:00 AM) at these latitudes !
GPS position at 08:00: 63° 10‘S, 057° 03‘W
Air Temp: -1°C Sea Temp: -2°C Wind: SW 2 Weather: Clear Sea state: Smooth
Air Temp: -1°C Sea Temp: -2°C Wind: SW 2 Weather: Clear Sea state: Smooth

The sea is covered in granular ice lumps from a few cm to a few meters...

... giving this coarse appearance

Nice play of color

The center lump is about 80 cm in length

Here comes the sun...


Now all is silver !

Many tidewater glacier

Nice ripples on the waves

Penguins resting

A fur seal

Fortin Sgto Cabral Argentinian base

Beautiful coat

Slivering around