Celebrating Chinese New Year

Fried grasshoppers

Thanaka decoration made with...

... this special bark ground on special stone (note each little log sits on a stone and they are sold as a package)
They use this for cosmetic and sun protection (maybe !!, does not look very protective to me!)

Pretty script but hard to read :)

Public transportation

This is real gold, estimated to be between 9-16 ton of it.
No security at all ! I guess Buddha is a sufficient protector

Summer trying to fit the whole pagoda in one shot!

Franti, PJ, Fede (who took all these pictures), Ya and Gwan-Jun

The maternity

When this patient came to me, my first reaction was "I do not do pediatrics!".
It turned out she was 18 complaining of primary amenorrhea!
It turned out she was 18 complaining of primary amenorrhea!

Pont U-Bein - Amarapura
People wait for the sunset to look at the bridge. Which in spite of being pretty
ricketty and with no handrail is very popular.
ricketty and with no handrail is very popular.

Sherry, Wai and Thao

A farmer's house

Sunset over the fields


People rent boats to see the sunset on the river

A European tourist who used the tanaka for decoration

Crossing the river on motorbike !

David & I

Paddy fields with temple

Bagaya Monastery
Federico helping keep it clean :)
Federico helping keep it clean :)

The monastery was built with 267 gigantic teak wood posts (Wikipedia!)

Many carvings

Sherry, Thao & Ni Tar

The 7-tiered spire

Monks studying and praying

Ni Tar with her "Mona Lisa" smile

Myint Mo Taung

An interesting set of brick buildings but to visit you have to go barefoot which makes little sense to me. I understand in closed temples where people pray on the ground but this is open air and dusty and one gets dirty feet rapidly. So if you are a convinced Buddhist or a history buff it may be worth but otherwise it can be skipped.

Chen and Ni Tar

Yandana Sinme Pagoda
The complex is dominated by a giant tree. Look the cyclist next to the tree!

Kids playing on the pagoda ground...

... which draws a reproachful look !

Worshippers in the shade

Sin Kyone fortress
This man reminded me of the Kindle Logo !

A cow with a dorsal (Brahman) hump

A "one-boat" pollution center !

"No, no !! Ni Tar !! this is too far !!"

Muddy water laundry. Note the little child who lifted up her fancy dress and her pants

Helping mom !

A friendly smile...

... and an anxious look !

...and a beautiful model!!

Fede practices his musical skills...

...and the audience is captivated !

Maha Aung Mye Bon Zan Monastery
This brick build monastery contains a set of perpendicular archways with stepped arches.
This couple was charmingly sharing a moment of tenderness... unsuspecting of the photographer !

This pretty young woman was posing for her brother...
until she realize I was also taking pictures and she gave me smile !

This one too was frowning to her boyfriend but threw her hairs and smiled to me :)

This one was applying makeup, until she saw my lens and run to hide behind her laughing friends :D

Never to early to practice her seductive skills: she is 8-year old !

A future Burmese tigresse !

But her little brother is yet unimpressed....

...and he prefers to devore his sandwich !

A puppy going Coco-loco !

Hard to do with canines !