Shiraz, of course, is well known by wine lovers, but since the Islamic revolution, they don't produce wine anymore, although apparently they export the grape to France.
Shiraz is also the city of origin of my friend Reza Habibian, who was the kind radiologist who taught me all of nuclear medicine in one afternoon at the VA some 30 years ago when I was preparing my boards! He has started the department in Shiraz and I wanted to hear from his students here.
And, taking of medicine, Iran is also the place where the person who discovered the importance of HbA1c in monitoring diabetes, come from.
Eram gardens: The first afternoon, we went to see the Eram gardens. Which were ok, but not spectacular. But this was clearly a place for young people to come date in a safe environment. Although Iranian women have to cover their hair, they don't cover the first third of the head. So their scarf looks much more like a fashion statement then the Saudi veil. We immediately loved the atmosphere, and there was no hassling for Thao who felt very comfortable from the beginning.

Karim Khan fortress:
Then we went to the Arge Karim Khan castle that was very nice.
Karim Khan was apparently one of those just ruler, interested in benefiting his population and a patron of arts and science. The ideal guy from all accounts.

Window wood work

A decorated ceiling

The artisan who made the box we received

The baths

Next stop was the souk: The Vakil Bazaar and it was great fun. Much smaller than Istanbul Grand Bazaar or El Kalili in Cairo, but much more tourist friendly with no merchant harassing you. Still pretty big, I could have spend several hours there!.
Beautiful and typical mandala and copper work


The Shah Cheragh mosque covered in intricately fitted mirrors

My friend Esmaeel and his wife

The Tomb of Hafez

The bell boy who was incredible strong, lifting luggage bigger then him