The stem of a Century plant flower (actually flowers after 30-40 years, then dies !)

The flower

Looks like an over sized asparagus !

A heart-shaped cactus :)

Gusanos de maguey (the worms) in the front left, and Escamoles (ants eggs, actually larvae and pupae) rear left

Worm eaters !

A prepared taco !

Nopales with a few drops of lime: very good

Prismas Basalticos, Hidalgo
Columnar basalt resulting from slow cooling of thick layer of lava. The hexagonal shape being the least amount of periphery for an enclosed area (same a honey comb for beehives, the least amount of wax to enclose a volume

Pretty organization !

Thao is not scared !

A long way to fall !

The sombrero

An interesting tree of life art in the Museo de Arte Popular in Mexico City... look carefully

... made of many little vulvae