A large female Nilgai, although apparently a common antelope we either only saw one, or only identified one !

A marsh crocodile. We did not see any gharial 🤨

A bat called Indian flying fox. Not only he has impressive equipment, but he performs oral sex to his conquest ! I guess he can be excused ... his whole life upside down he may simply be confusing the business ends 😁. All these interesting tidbits they failed to teach me in Biology class ! However galant he might appear, sex does not appear very consensual and the female keep trying to escape but is securely wrapped in his wings 😕

This one is more modest 😋

If no girls... maybe a quick hand job ?

Sloth Bear mostly an insect eater, so with his nose on the ground !

Five striped squirel

Wild Boar (they don't graze on their wrist pads like warthogs)

Indian Grey Mongoose

When you are so low on the ground, it helps getting the "long view"