A seriously overcast day...

Yeah an Arch !
Apparently arch form by wave erosion in a small fissure in the glacier and extend progressively with the ceiling of the arch progressively collapsing from lack of support. When the arch totally collapse it leaves pillars on either sides.

No you can't zodiac through ! That block of ice on top is gazillion of tons !

Beautiful blue line of refrozen water in cracks

Nat Geo has a million add with their boat framed by an arch, in glorious sunshine... Oh well, this is poor man attempt to duplicate !

We were in a similar boat called the Donna Wood that miraculously had not sink during the past century !! Although it made a serious attempt while we were there: during a storm sea water poured into our cabin! Awful

Interesting gravel inclusion in a crack

This glacier pooped up before reaching the sea, a common observation with global warming (sorry ! Climate change !)

Here the rock has been nicely eroded by former glaciers !

Meager late morning sun

The only marine mammal (only mammal !) we saw during the whole trip was this lonely seal.

A thin layer of cloud hangs 100 m up.

Tidal (or tidewater) glacier reaching the sea

Looks like sunset but this is mid day !

Guess who does not need double jackets 🤣

Differential sedimentation of gravels along the edge of the glacier (lateral moraine)

The snout of the glacier

Different gravel in the lateral moraine

The thin layer of cloud hanging

What could be prettier in such a window than...

...a pretty face ! (Although this model requested a little plastic surgery --huh photography--
before agreeing to pose

In any valley between bumps, great amount of gravel accumulate, brought by the melt water

I have a preference for that clear ice !

Looks like a confectioner's sugar dusting on a chocolate cake !

Just a hint of light through the clouds

Free gravel !

Another tidal glacier

...and its lateral moraine

Cocoa powder on ice cream ?

This cave could grow into a future arch