Capibara, with nasty scar on his shoulders.

Grey-necked wood rail

"Don't poke me or IĀ chisel you !"

Female Anhinga

Female Ringed Kingfisher have a bluish-gray band seen on upper breast and a whitish band

.. bringing dinner home !

Male Ringed Kingfisher: no blue bra !


White egretĀ also known as Garca-Branca-Grande in Brazil.

Male Anhinga...

... and Female Anhinga

Black-collared Hawk

Taking flight

Wattled Jacana

Weaver bird nest

Ringed Kingfisher: boy or girl ? See above for answer :)

Grouchy-looking Giant Otter

Black Howler (Black is male, the tan one is the female)

Buff-necked ibis


Black Howler male

Black Howler female

Those eyes !
