Sunrise over the Madison Valley

A determined little pine that picked a hard place to grow !

Trees killed by the minerals content of the water

Fountain Paint Pot Trail: steam from Silex spring frozen on the adjacent trees

Almost a B&W image

Designs in the snow drift

Color bands from various thermophilic and extremophilic bacterias

The Silex Spring vent

Other almost B&W pictures. I did render them also as B&W but the minimal color in these was prettier then just B&W

Mud squirting from a fumarole

These "flowers" were just super fragile hairs and sheaths of ice build up from condensation of the steam. Beautiful and so temporary they almost looked like Ranonculus

A small eruption

More snow and no visibility

"Chocolate Pots" on the Gibbon river

"Firehole falls"

Snow drifts over the river

Gibbon falls

Snow and ice accumulated over the rocks and logs

Trees and hill curves

Gently meandering

Near Dragon's mouth spring, the pale sun reflecting on the pools

Nearly spherical snow accumulation on a rock


Boiling mud

From a distance I though the Park service had taken advantage of a fumarole to get a picnic table with foot warmer... Mistake this was a fence to prevent people from stepping in the fumarole ! Note the asphalt of the parking lot is warm enough that snow doesn't accumulate !

More "lonely trees" compositions

The line in front of this tree is the unfrozen segment of the Yellowstone river (the white in the near part of the image)

The Upper Yellowstone falls

Pretty tree silhouettes

The "Bobby socks" trees. After being killed by the hot water, trees continue to passively absorb mineral rich water. As the water evaporates it leaves whitish mineral deposits on the foot of the trees.

Norris geyser bassin

Three otters visible of a few seconds

Kepler Cascades